Hair Care Tips After Emerging From A LockDown

We have all suffered and so did our hair being prevented from going into the salon for months-that has lasted almost a year now, couldn't go to the colorist, couldn't receive hair treatments, and even a simple trim. People have at last broken down and visited hair tutorials to give them bangs. Times are tough—real tough and whether you are starting your office, or working from home in quarantine these are some quick hair repairing tips to keep your locks shiny flouncy, and voluminous. 1. Air Drying - Embrace air drying more! Step away from the hot ironing tools that are responsible for making our hair stringy and dry. As fancy events have also come to hold, Air Drying will help accommodate your cause, we suggest committing at least a 30-day hiatus from all the curling irons, presses, and tools, to make the hair free from heat damage. And what is best is that summers are here and it will help your cause x2, after showering, gently pat dry and run out to your sunny friend 2. Make...